Negotiate Anything

Negotiation Skills Development with ANI

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How to Negotiate Anything and Finding Confidence in Conflict. Build your Negotiation Skills and develop the confidence to negotiate anything with the help of our trusted service partner the American Negotiation Institute (ANI). Kwame Christian is the founder of ANI, an attorney, and an expert on negotiations. Kwame has been a guest on The How of Business podcast, and has developed a self-paced online course to help you learn how to negotiate anything and help you start and grow your small business.

Negotiation Course

10% OFF the “Negotiate Anything: Finding Confidence in Conflict” online course.
Use coupon code “HOB” to receive the 10% discount. [Learn More]

By the end of this course you will be able to…

  • negotiate with someone who has more leverage, power, or authority
  • thoroughly prepare for and execute during business negotiations
  • manage conflict effectively (at work, your small business and at home)
  • negotiate without giving in to threats and aggression
  • manage your own emotions and the emotions of others
  • have conversations without the fear of damaging the relationship
  • understand the underlying wants and needs of the other party

Related Podcast Episodes:

Kwame Christian
 Confident Negotiation for Small Business with Kwame Christian. Confident Negotiation techniques and tips for small business owners, with attorney Kwame Christian. He introduces the Compassionate Curiosity Framework. Do you struggle with difficult conversations? Have you ever let fear and anxiety prevent you from saying what needed to be ...
Kwame Christian
 Negotiation Skills for Small Business Owners. Negotiation Skills for Small Business Owners with Kwame Christian. He shares his entrepreneurial journey, and tips & techniques for improving negotiation skills. Kwame is a business lawyer and the founder of the American Negotiation Institute. He is passionate about teaching entrepreneurs and ...

You can find all episodes of The How of Business podcast on the Archives page.

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