The How of Business Podcast

Where to Listen to The How of Business Podcast with Henry Lopez

You can find and listen to The How of Business, a free on-demand podcast audio show, on various platforms and on this website.

To listen on this website, simply go to the Podcast page for the most recent episodes, go the Archives page for all of our past episodes, or use the Search feature to help you find a show on a specific business topic or featured guest.

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Here are some of the podcast listening platforms where you can find our show:

The How of Business on iTunes The How of Business on Apple Podcasts

Apple iTunes & Apple Podcasts

The How of Business iTunes Link

Click on the link above, search for The How of Business, or look for our show in the Business – Entrepreneurship category.

If you are an iPhone or Mac user, the free Apple Podcasts app should already be loaded on your device. Simply launch Apple Podcasts and search for The How of Business. If you can’t find Apple Podcasts on your device, you can download it from the App Store.

To receive the latest episodes, be sure to subscribe to our show on Apple Podcast or iTunes.


The How of Business Pandora Link

Pandora is a popular streaming platform that includes podcasts, and you can find The How of Business podcast on Pandora. Pandora is available through its mobile app, or on the web at

The How of Business on Spotify


The How of Business Spotify Link

You can find The How of Business podcast on Spotify. Use the link above, or simply search for our show on Spotify.


Amazon Music

Amazon Music & Alexa

The How of Business Amazon Music Link

You can find The How of Business podcast on Amazon and on your Alexa device: “Alexa, play the podcast The How of Business”

YouTube Music

YouTube Music

The How of Business YouTube Channel Link

You can listen to The How of Business podcast on our YouTube Channel, where you will also find recordings of our previous webinars and workshops. Google Podcasts is now YouTube Music.


If you are dreaming of or planning to start your own small business, or currently own a small business, then The How of Business podcast is for you. From tips on how to start your business to actionable insights on how to grow and possibly even sell your successful small business, the How of Business podcast is an indispensable resource. Learn from the stories and experiences of other proven entrepreneurs and small business owners who are passionate about being their own boss and sharing their knowledge with others. The How of Business is the best podcast show for small business owners and entrepreneurs.

Serial Entrepreneur Henry Lopez is the host of this small business podcast.