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The Simplest Biz – Shipping Products Brokerage Business

John Wilker shares the Simplest Biz business model – a Shipping Products Brokerage Business – a client case study example, a special webinar invitation, and a special offer for you. If you want to learn more about this business and John’s online course, including a special offer for you, visit The Simplest Biz Training Course.

Did you miss the live webinar? We invite your to watch the on-demand recording:

John Wilker is a former construction contractor and the founder of The Simplest Biz – the Middle Man Money Maker. John has developed a simple yet effective business model for providing middle-man services for businesses that ship and receive products. Specifically, he acquires industrial byproducts, the kind of stuff that’s used for shipping like pallets, cardboard boxes, crates, and sells them to others for a profit.

As John explains, “Bottom line is I’m a middleman.”
John has developed a business that requires few if any employees, no inventory and no warehouse space. “It’s quite simple…but has to be set up in the correct manner for it to work,” John explains.

John was previously on our show back on episode 203  of the How of Business podcast.

John lives in Birmingham, Alabama.

Topics and questions addressed in this episode include:

  • John briefly recaps how he got started with The Simplest Biz business.
  • He explains how this small business works: the brokerage of pallets and other shipping materials.
  • John share a Case Study of one of his successful training course students. John’s online self-paced course helps you learn The Simplest Biz, which can serve as a side-hustle part-time small business or it can grow into your full-time business.
  • What does it take to be successful in this small business? John shares some of the characteristics of those who have completed his course, followed his coaching, and are successfully and profitably operating their own Simplest Biz!

Episode Host: Henry Lopez is a serial entrepreneur, small business coach, and the host of this episode of The How of Business podcast show – dedicated to helping you start, run and grow your small business.


Special Offer – The Simplest Biz Training Course Options:

The Simplest Biz - Pallet Brokerage

Books mentioned in this episode:
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Other Related Podcast Episodes:

Learn more about the pallet flipping and brokerage business on these other episodes of The How of Business podcast:

Episode 404: John Wilker – The Simplest Biz Update

Episode 203: John Wilker – Shipping Products Brokerage

You can find other episodes of The How of Business podcast, the best small business podcast, on our Archives page.

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