Business Systems Episodes

The How of Business Podcast – Business Systems Episodes

Business systems are at the heart of any successful small business. Effective systems are what allow you to work “on” your business, and not get stuck “in” your business. It’s the recipe for repeatable success and allowing your business to execute productively and consistently.

Systems can include a simple checklist, standard operating procedures, business process maps, handbooks & manuals, and computer systems and tools.

These episodes of The How of Business podcast are focused on helping you develop and maintain your small business systems: 

The How of Business
Small Business Systems. Small Business Systems with Henry Lopez – developing, implementing and executing on the systems we need to run and grow our small businesses. If you are an existing small business owner, then this episode will help you assess where you are and what you need to ...
Episode 325: David Jenyns - Business Systems
 Business Systems for Your Small Business with David Jenyns. Business Systems for Your Small Business with David Jenyns. David shares his entrepreneur story and his 7-Step process for developing systems. David Jenyns is an entrepreneur, and his business experience spans from franchising retail clothing stores, to founding one ...
Marina Darlow
 Small Business Systems with Marina Darlow. Small Business Systems with Marina Darlow, an engineer by training, but a small business owner by choice. She has a passion for systems and helping small business owners implement systems to improve and grow their companies. Marina is a small business owner, ...
Episode 396: Walter Hill - Think Red Flags
Think Red Flags for Small Business with Walter Hill. How to Think Red Flags, a proactive and profitable approach for your small business, with entrepreneur Walter Hill. We also explore Walter’s entrepreneurial journey, and his new book “Think Red Flags – A Proactive and Profitable Approach For Your Small ...
Jennifer Martin
 Working “On” Your Business with Jennifer Martin. Working ON your business (not just “in” your business) with Jennifer Martin, an entrepreneur, business coach, speaker and author. She shares her journey, including her time working for large corporations, and building a successful coaching business. Jennifer is an entrepreneur, business ...

How to Develop Systems for Your Small Business

Developing effective systems for the operations of a small business is crucial for ensuring efficiency, consistency, and scalability. To learn more about small business systems we recommend starting with episode 242: Small Business Systems.

Michael Gerber, a renowned business expert and author of “The E-Myth,” emphasizes the importance of systems in business. He famously said, “Systems permit ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results, predictably.” This quote underscores the power of well-designed systems in enabling businesses, regardless of their size, to operate efficiently and effectively.

Here are the primary steps to develop small business systems:

  1. Assess Current Processes: Begin by evaluating your existing operations. Identify areas of inefficiency or inconsistency. Understanding your current state is crucial for developing effective systems that can transform ordinary operations into extraordinary ones. If you are not sure where to start, consider the part of your business that impact your customer or clients most or related to producing and delivering your product or service.
  2. Define Your Objectives: Clearly articulate what you aim to achieve with your business systems. Objectives might include improving efficiency, ensuring quality, reducing costs, or enhancing customer satisfaction. Your goals will guide the development of your systems, aligning with Michael Gerber’s idea of achieving predictable, extraordinary results.
  3. Map Out Processes: Document each business process. Use flowcharts or process maps, detailing every step and identifying responsible parties. Using a visual representation of the high-level process is often a great way to understand and share the process with others team members.
  4. Standardize Procedures: Develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) for each process. SOPs should be straightforward and replicable, ensuring tasks are performed consistently. Consider, however, that sometimes a checklist or a video might be a better way to document a process.
  5. Implement Technology Solutions: Automate and streamline processes where possible using technology. This could include CRM systems, accounting software, point-of-sale systems, project management, or inventory management systems, all contributing to a systematized, efficient operation.
  6. Train Your Team: Ensure all team members are trained on the new systems. Effective training ensures everyone understands how to achieve the desired extraordinary results through consistent system use.
  7. Monitor and Measure Performance: Establish KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to monitor the effectiveness of your systems. Regular review of these metrics ensures that your systems are helping you achieve your objectives.
  8. Gather Feedback: Collect feedback from your team and customers. This step is crucial for continuous improvement, ensuring your systems remain effective and efficient.
  9. Continuously Improve: Use feedback and performance data to refine your systems. In line with Michael Gerber’s philosophy, this step is about evolving your systems to maintain extraordinary results.
  10. Document and Update Regularly: Keep all system documentation current, and keep them were they are safeguarded and easy to find. Regular updates to your SOPs and process maps ensure they reflect any changes or improvements, maintaining the predictability and efficiency of your operations.