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Logo Design for Small Business with Meg & Josiah Mothershed.

Logo Design for small business (16:38) with Meg and Josiah Mothershed, the co-founders of Mothershed Design Company. They share their entrepreneurial journey, from working for someone else to launching their own small design firm, and practical tips & advice for designing a logo and other branding insights for small business owners (starting at 16:38). Meg and Josiah recommend that you consider simplicity, memorability and relevance when designing your small company logo and identity.

Meg & Josiah Mothershed - Logo DesignersMeg & Josiah founded Mothershed Design Company in 2018 – a graphic design firm that helps businesses succeed through strategic design, clear communication, and effective execution.

Meg is the minutiae manager, strategy guru, and problem-solving bundle of energy. Meg focuses on the development and operations of the business, while bringing her love for details in design to specialize in layout and illustration. Meg contributes strong organization, expert strategy, and excellent communication skills to Mothershed Design Company. Design and entrepreneurship are Meg’s passions in life, and combining them allows her to work directly with clients to help their businesses succeed.

Josiah is the big-picture thinker, creativity conductor, and all-around design wizard. After working for in-house teams as well as larger agencies, Josiah felt there was something else calling him. Working one-on-one with business owners to set and meet their goals was where he felt most alive and realized that the best way to serve his clients was to gain the insight and flexibility of owning his own business. He believes that design is truly his calling and has enabled him to forge meaningful relationships with like-minded clients and friends.

Meg and Josiah live in Denver, Colorado.

Logo Design for Small Business:

  • Why do I need a logo (as a solopreneur or small business)?
  • Can I wait until later, after I have really developed the business, to create a logo?
  • What are some of the key components of an effective logo for a small business?
  • What do you think makes for a great logo?
  • Are there colors that are better than others?
  • What are your thoughts on Tag Lines? Experiential versus “inventory” tag lines…
  • Rendering considerations, like exterior building signage or stitched on clothing…
  • How important it for the logo to be congruent with the rest of the small business identity?
  • What are some issues or problems that would perhaps lead to you recommending a re-branding?
  • Describe the high-level process you go through with a client to design a logo?
  • What work should a client do first, before engaging a designer to help them develop an identity?
  • When do I need a designer, and what am I not going to get through crowdsourcing or on-line freelance site?


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Find all episodes of The How of Business podcast on our Archives page. Henry Lopez is the host of The How of Business podcast, a top-rated small business show.

2 thoughts on “Episode 241: Meg & Josiah Mothershed – Logo Design

  1. Great interview! As a friend and colleague in the design industry, I am very impressed with the wonderful business that the Mothershed’s have built. They are both exemplary designers. This doesn’t always translate to good business acumen, but in this case, they have covered all the bases. Thank you for sharing your professional story and branding advice. We need more designers like you two!
    And thank you to Henry Lopez, for conducting an excellent interview!

    Pat Garcia

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