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Online Marketing Year-End Update with Adam Kirk.

Online Marketing Year-End update for small business. What’s new and emerging in online marketing for small business owners. Small business marketing expert Adam Kirk is back on the show to share his insights and tips. It’s all about valuable content with your audience. Our discussion includes Text Marketing, Social Media, Email, SEO, Search, Online Reviews, and small business Websites.

Small Business Website Special

Download small business resources, including checklists, here: Oostas Resources

  • Text Marketing for small business.
  • Social Media Marketing, including Facebook.
  • Email Marketing and how to avoid getting classified as spam.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to get your small business found online.
  • Voice Search – it’s estimated that in 2020 50% of all online searches will be executed through a voice command.
  • SSL Certificates to help ensure the security of your small business website.
  • Google Search and Q&A Snipets
  • Video Marketing Content – 50% more like to drive organic search results.
  • Google Reviews and the impact on your small business. 84% of people trust online reviews.
  • Small Business Website Site Design – are one-page websites still the thing? Is your website compliant?

Adam Kirk, the founder of Oostas. Oostas focuses on helping small business owners with website development, social media management, and SEO.

Having a website is essential for small businesses in today’s digital age. Here are several reasons why having a website is beneficial:

1. Online Presence and Visibility: A website provides your business with an online presence, allowing potential customers to find and learn about your products or services. It expands your reach beyond physical locations, enabling you to connect with a broader audience locally, nationally, or even internationally.

2. Credibility and Professionalism: A well-designed website gives your business a professional image and enhances credibility. It allows you to showcase your expertise, display customer testimonials, and provide information about your business, which instills confidence in potential customers and differentiates you from competitors.

3. 24/7 Accessibility: Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar stores with limited operating hours, a website allows customers to access information about your business, products, and services at any time. This convenience can lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction, especially for those who prefer to research and shop outside of regular business hours.

4. Marketing and Advertising: A website serves as a powerful marketing tool. You can promote your business, share news and updates, and advertise your products or services through your website. It provides a platform to implement various digital marketing strategies, such as search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media integration, and email marketing, to attract and engage potential customers.

5. Customer Engagement and Support: A website enables direct communication with customers. You can incorporate contact forms, live chat features, or provide customer support through FAQs and knowledge bases. Engaging with customers online allows you to address their inquiries, provide assistance, and build strong relationships that can lead to customer loyalty and repeat business.

6. E-commerce Opportunities: With an e-commerce-enabled website, you can sell products or services online, expanding your customer base beyond your physical location. It provides a convenient and secure platform for customers to make purchases, increasing your sales potential and revenue streams.

7. Data Collection and Analytics: Through a website, you can gather valuable data on user behavior, demographics, and preferences. This data can be analyzed to gain insights into customer trends, improve your marketing strategies, and refine your business operations.

8. Competitive Advantage: Many businesses already have an online presence, and a website is now an expected norm for consumers. Without a website, you may miss out on potential customers and lose a competitive edge in your industry.

It’s important to invest in a professionally designed and user-friendly website that reflects your brand identity and provides a positive user experience. If you have limited technical knowledge, you can hire a web developer or use website builders and content management systems that simplify the process of creating and maintaining a website.

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You can find all previous episodes of The How of Business podcast on our Archives page. The How of Business podcast is focused on helping you start, run and grow your small business.

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